UDSB Grant Programs

Promoting Monarch Butterflies on the Byway

In the last 20 years, the Monarch butterfly population has dwindled from more than a billion to just 150 million, a nearly 82% decline that has been observed with alarm along the Delaware River, which serves as a flyway for the annual migration of Northeastern Monarchs from their summer breeding grounds to their wintering roosts in central Mexico. “The Monarch Butterfly: Fostering the Flyway by the Byway” is a project of the Upper Delaware Scenic Byway, Inc. (UDSB), the non-profit organization charged with enhancing and promoting the resources of NYS Route 97 which parallels the Upper Delaware River.

Signage Along the Byway

UDSB has created a grant program for businesses and non-profit organizations that are considering signage along the designated Scenic Byway route. The applicant’s business or organization must be physically located within a reasonably close proximity to the Byway. Grants shall be of a “matching funds” type and UDSB funding shall be up to $500 per applicant.

Vista Enhancement

Owners of private and public properties along New York State Route 97 that would benefit from reducing vegetative overgrowth to enhance views from the highway are encouraged to contact UDSB about funding opportunities.

Eligible properties must be located along the portions of Route 97 that New York State designated in 2002 as the “Upper Delaware Scenic Byway.”

All trimming work would be performed by certified professionals and follow a work plan with advance agreement by the property owner. No funding match is required.

For more information, please contact UDSB, Inc. at P.O. Box 127, Narrowsburg, NY 12764 or email info@upperdelawarescenicbyway.org with a specifically identified location, a description of the property and its needs, complete contact information, and photo(s) if possible.